Monday 3 January 2011


Being in my 18th week, it is only a couple more before we get to find out whether we are having a boy or girl. As I may have mentioned, I am convinced it is a boy - not that I have any preference whatsoever.

Because there are so many girls in my family, I had always imagined having a girl. When I fell pregnant, I just couldn't imagine having a boy. Our friend Jess remarked the other day that she didn't think I would know what to do with a boy - to her, I just simply had to be having a girl! Well, from day dot I started imagining having a boy, trying to get my head around the possibility and alas, it stuck. In fact, not only am I now convinced we are having a boy, I am actually looking forward to it.

Thankfully, the wait is almost over. I do hope the little one co-operates at the ultrasound so that we get to find out! And in retrospect, I think it has become non-negotiable that we do find out (not that we were debating it). Imagine being in the delivery room, as utterly convinced as I am that it will be a boy, and then giving birth to a pink flavoured one! That might just be a bit too much emotion for this mumma to handle... not to mention all the cute boys clothes that would go un-used:)

Pic from here

1 comment:

Razmataz said...

That is so exciting that you are pregnant. i shall look forward to seeing if your gut feeling (pardon the pun) is true.